Terje Svingen

Terje Svingen

Professor, Head of Research Group

DTU National Food Institute

Research Group for Molecular and Reproductive Toxicology

Technical University of Denmark

Henrik Dams Allé

Building 202, room 5204

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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News from DTU

DK: Immunofarvet snit af rotte testikkel. Foto: DTU Fødevareinstituttet | EN: Immunostained section of rat testicle. Photo: National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
23 NOV

Associate professor at the DTU National Food Institute is awarded DTU’s PhD supervisor of the year

Associate Professor and Head of Research Group Terje Svingen from the DTU National Food Institute has been awarded PhD supervisor of the year 2022 at DTU. The prize was awarded at this year's PhD reception.

Rottetestikler fra clotrimazolestudie. Foto: DTU Fødevareinstituttet
16 JUN

Over-the-counter fungicide can disrupt hormones

The active ingredient in medicines commonly used to treat yeast infections has the potential to disrupt steroid hormone levels, according to a study from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark. This can have consequences for sexual development in unborn babies if women use these medicines during pregnancy.

Health technology Health and diseases
Photo: Colourbox.com
09 SEP

More chemicals can be assessed for endocrine disrupting effects

A European guidance document aimed at identifying endocrine disrupting pesticides can—with some modifications—be used to assess other chemicals’ endocrine disrupting effects, according to scientists from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, and Copenhagen University Hospital.

Health and diseases
Testikel fra voksen rotte. DTU Fødevareinstituttet
15 OCT

The unborn child must be better protected from chemical cocktails

Even small doses of a chemical substance can be harmful when it occurs in combination with other substances. Knowledge about the cocktail effect is pivotal when legislators set the allowable limits for substances that are permitted in industrial products. Research and advice from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark...

Health and diseases
Image: Colourbox.dk
06 DEC

New knowledge to protect against endocrine disrupting chemicals

Researchers from the Technical University of Denmark are partners in two new EU projects on hormone disrupting substances that aim to protect women's reproductive health and children's brain development.

Food and fisheries Food safety Health and diseases
Photo: DTU Fødevareinstituttet. Vævsprøve fra bugspytkirtel / Tissue sample from pancreas
02 JUL

Mixture of pesticides causes lower birth weight in rats

Pregnant rats that are given a mixture of pesticides at doses that individually are not harmful, risk having offspring with lower birth weight, studies from DTU show.

Food safety Health and diseases
Copyright: DTU Fødevareinstituttet
17 SEP

Research leads to better predictions of cocktail effects

In order to protect people from chemicals’ harmful effects it is not sufficient to carry out risk assessments one by one of the chemicals people are exposed to every day. Research from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, shows that if many chemicals with similar effects are present at the same time even at low...

Food safety Mathematical modelling
6 MAY 2024