
Digital biomarkers identify bipolar disorder (
09 MAR

Digital biomarkers identify bipolar disorder

Our voice holds great potential as a digital biomarker that can provide knowledge about our health and lead to improved treatment.

Health technology Health and diseases Data analysis
10 FEB

New digital health study line at DTU

DTU increases admission to the Biomedical Engineering programme, creating a new study line in digital health.

Health technology Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Cyber security Image analysis Data analysis Software and programming
02 DEC

Artificial intelligence can diagnose sleep apnoea

Researchers from DTU Health Tech have developed a new 3D scanning based screening method for diagnosing sleep apnoea.

Health and diseases Health technology Data analysis
10 SEP

Collaboration leads to better asthma management

The inclusion of researchers from DTU Health Tech in a start-up company brings in new knowledge and competences, and drives product development forward.

Health technology Health and diseases Computer calculations
01 JUL

“I want to introduce a new paradigm of advanced stroke rehabilitation”

For the next four years, Postdoc Muhammad Ahmed Khan will be developing a novel and portable home-based stroke rehabilitation system using Brain-Computer Interface technology...

Health technology Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
25 JUN

Health technologies of the future - Wireless intelligent systems

Heartbeat has trained the binoculars on the future and asked some of the leading researchers to estimate how they think health technology will evolve.

Health technology Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematical modelling Computer calculations Cyber security
20 AUG

New liquid marker system helps medical doctors optimize precision in surgery and...

A research team headed by DTU Health Tech bridges diagnostic advances and therapeutic procedures.

Health technology Health and diseases
25 MAY

Non-toxic contrast agent to enhance MRI scanning sensitivity

Researchers at DTU Health Tech have developed a new water-based high contrast alternative technique for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Health and diseases Medical equipment and systems
13 MAY

Measuring nanoparticles in a salt gradient could be a step towards new types of...

Researchers from DTU Health Tech have shown how to measure the size and surface charge of nanoparticles with something as simple as table salt.

Health and diseases
01 MAY

Early warning test for coronavirus

Researchers to develop skin prick test to detect coronavirus before patients fall ill with COVID-19 and to identify at-risk patients.

Viruses Enzymes and proteins Biotechnology Health and diseases
27 JULY 2024