On Thursday the 10th of June 2021, Tanya Bafna will be defending her PhD titled "Fatigue Assessment using Eye-tracking for People with Special Needs"
Principal supervisor:
Professor John Paulin Hansen
Associate Professor Per Bækgaard
Associate Professor Sadasivan Puthusserypady
Assessment Committee:
Senior Research Scientist Päivi Hannele Majaranta
Professor Sebastian Pannasch
Associate Professor Jakob Eg Larsen
Chairperson at the defence:
Professor, Emeritus Henning Boje Andersen
The defence will be conducted digitally with partial physical presence.
To attend the digital defence, please register attendance with Dorrit Givskov at dogi@dtu.dk. The deadline for signing up is the 9th of June
To read more about the thesis, view the projects dedicated page here.