Tumor marker test and results

Biomarker AGORA

Biomarker AGORA 2017

On 1 November, Biopeople hosts a matchmaking event at the University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg Campus. We invite researchers from universities and companies as well as patient organisations to join and present/display their research/projects/companies. The common denominator is an interest in and activities within health care and life sciences with a focus on biomarkers, personalised medicine, drug development, information-communication-technology (ICT) and user involvement.

The objective is to share knowledge, get inspired and potentially establish new relationships and collaborations between and with exhibitors and visitors.

Please join and enjoy

  • 77 exhibitors displaying their specific project or company
  • two keynotes held by Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, Rigshospitalet and Birgitte Søgaard, Lundbeck
  • an ICT workshop held by CACHET
  • presentations by GTS Institute Bioneer in the coffee corner
  • free entrance for everybody
  • free catering for exhibitors and all registered visitors

CACHET contribution

CACHET will host a seminar on "Behavioural (Bio)markers for Mental Health" from 13.00-14.00.

The workshop will focus on behavioural (bio)markers and how they can be used in mental health. Presentations by:

  • Jakob E. Bardram, Director and Professor, Copenhagen Center for Health Technology
  • Maria Faurholt-Jepsen, Resident and Senior Researcher, Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen
  • Jonas Busk, Ph.D. Student, DTU Compute

Followed by a short debate between presenters & Birgitte Søgaard Divisional Director, Clinical and Quantitative Pharmacology, Lundbeck, and audience.

CACHET will also be present during the day with a stand in the exhibition area.

Read more and sign up for the event here.


Wed 01 Nov 17
9:00 - 15:30



Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C.
14 DECEMBER 2024