
In CACHET we are using a wide set of questionnaires in our research. This pages lists some of the most used ones and provide links to them.

Medicine Adherence

Internationally, the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS) is often used. It has a high internal consistency and high specificity. However, MMAS is not translated or validated in Danish and hence cannot be used in Denmark. Therefore, in a Danish setting, CACHET studies often use the Danish Medicine Adherence (MA) scale. The MA scale is, however, not published and is only available in a report from Region Midt (the Central Health Region of Denmark). The MA scale was developed as part of a project investigating medicine compliance amongst men. But for reference, access, and download, we provide the reference and link to the paper here.

  1. Henriette H. Fischer and Susanne F. Jørgensen. 2017. Prævalens og prædiktorer for medicinsk non-adhærens blandt tidligere indlagte
    medicinske patienter (Danish). Unpublished manuscript. Hospitalsenhed Vest, Region Midtjylland, Danmark. [pdf].
24 JANUARY 2025