
Health Check of Danish Health Technology

Along with central stakeholders, DTU and CACHET has completed an analysis of the Danish health technology sector.

Trough working on this report, it has become clear that the investments in development, testing and the implementation of new health technology have not yet fulfilled the huge potential that this sector has. This is true for users at hospitals and nursing homes (patients and healthcare sta ), and in the companies and universities which have staked heavily on the development of new solutions and products. There is a need to do more, and not least do it differently, to fully realize the potential of health technology.

In this sector development project, we have conducted a number of interviews and workshops with representatives of health technology companies, entrepreneurs, industrial associations, hospitals and municipalities in Denmark and abroad. As a result, a number of insights and trends have been identified for the technological development in the sector, which has resulted in a set of six recommendations:

  1. Strengthened ecosystem for the development of health technology
  2. Bigger strategic initiatives
  3. Greater critical mass. In general, there is a lack of critical mass
  4. Clear frameworks for sharing and using health data
  5. Strengthened educational activities within health technology
  6. Better conditions for up-and-coming players


Involved companies and organizations

20 APRIL 2024