The Australian Research Council (ARC) funds Hub for Enhanced Living with 3 million $. CACHET is part of project through DTU and UCPH.
The ARC Research Hub for Digital Enhanced Living aims to address the growing challenges of ageing people living in their own home or residential care. This will be through inventing new personalised medical technologies through an innovative approach, with a multi-disciplinary team leveraging diverse expertise. An enhanced capacity to create and deploy fit-for-purpose personalised health solutions will result in revenues from new and repurposed devices, analytics and integration platforms. New jobs and improved care will see cost reductions, better use of resources and enhanced mental, physical and social well-being.
CACHET will have a role in the project through the involvement of:
- John Paulin Hansen, Professor and Group Leader, DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark
- Finn Kensing, Professor and Director at Center for IT Innovation, University of Copenhagen
- Henning Langberg, Professor at Copenrehab, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
- Lars Kayser, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen
Read more about the project here