CACHET spring seminar 2018

Cachet Seminar Spring 2018

The CACHET Spring seminar held on the 19th of March 2018 In Mærsk Tårnet.

We had 70+ participants from the CACHET network, 9 presenters and a lot of good questions and discussions.

Presentations from the day:


Jakob E. Bardram, Director, CACHET: “Status and update on CACHET” – also introducing the ‘CACHET in Profile 2018’ report

Guest talk

Tanja Danner, Director Public & Healthcare, NNIT: “SIRI commission recommendation on the future healthcare system"

CACHET project presentations:

Tobias Andersen, Associate Professor, DTU Compute: Biometric Healthcare Research Platform (BHRP) project

Jonas Bak, Research Assistant, CACHET, PMR-C, & Ulrik Borch, CEO InjuryMap: “Development and test of rehabilitation app for ankle injuries” (CHS collaboration)

Niels de Fine Olivarius, Professor, Dept. of Public Health, UCPH: "The Phy-Psy Trial. A cluster randomised, parallel-group, 5-year trial of coordinated, co-produced care to reduce the excess mortality of patients with severe mental illness by improving the treatment of their comorbid physical conditions

Session on dementia:

Nanna Skriver, Head of Center, Health and Care Administration, City of Copenhagen: “Challenges and perspectives on dementia in municipalities

Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, Chief Physician, Rigshospitalet, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, UCPH: “Vascular and genetic risk factors for dementia

Julia Rosemary Thorpe, PhD student, DTU Management Engineering: “Engineering better health and care

We look forward to inviting to the next CACHET seminar in the Autumn of 2018!

See pictures from the seminar in gallery below.
12 DECEMBER 2024