iCAT being tested

ICAT: Internet-based Cognitive Assessment Tool

Usability and Feasibility Study of ICAT

About the Project

ICAT is a web-based cognitive test battery to assess verbal memory, working memory, and psychomotor speed using short tasks. Our system has been designed based on a validated neuro-cognitive test for affective disorder patients called SCIP (Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry). ICAT team includes computer scientists, psychiatrists, user interface designers, front- and back-end developers from Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET) at the Technical University of Denmark, Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, and the Department of Psychology at the University of Copenhagen. ICAT is developed as a part of Pegah Hafiz’s PhD project which is funded by EU Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 722561.

In 2021 the ICAT was further developed to include a second version of the all the tests so that participants could run the ICAT multiple times without the advantage of remembering some of the tests from the previous attempt. With these improvements the ICAT was also connected to the CARP Research Portal where researchers can invite and manage their participants for the study as well as decide which version of the ICAT they want their participants to do.

This further development was necessary as researchers at Region-H and the University of Copenhagen are planning a study using the tool to survey the Danish citizens who have previously been diagnosed with COVID-19 and recovered from it.


Developers at CACHET are currently developing a re-design of the ICAT to make it more user friendly as well as give it a more modern look that will make it fit better in with the rest of the CARP suite of tools and components.

Inclusion Criteria

Individuals irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, and ethnical background who speak either English or Danish fluently and are able to type using a keyboard are encouraged to participate.


Non-monetary compensation is considered for each participant depending on his/her preference.

Time Duration

Total time duration of the study for each individual is maximum 30 minutes.

Who Will Have Access to Your Information?

Your name or identity will not be disclosed in reports or publications produced by the project. You can get, if you wish for access to your own data and results. Anonymised results from the project will be used for publications in scientific journals and presented at conferences.

Data Security

All data gathered by the test and recordings of the session are stored on a secure server at The Technical University of Denmark as outlined by EU´s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Informed Consent 

You can read the informed consent form before starting the test and you are required to agree to the terms to continue.


Jakob Eyvind Bardram
Head of Sections, Professor
DTU Health Tech
+45 45 25 53 11
7 MARCH 2025