UbiCAT Ubiquitous Cognitive Assessment Tool

UbiCAT Ubiquitous Cognitive Assessment Tool

Smartwatch Applications to Assess Cognitive Performance

About the project

UbiCAT includes three smartwatch applications that measure certain cognitive functions. These applications are short and each take 2-3 minutes to complete. UbiCAT is developed as a part of Pegah Hafiz’s PhD project funded by EU Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 722561.

Inclusion Criteria

Individuals irrespective of gender, race, religion and ethnical background aged 18-50 who are able to speak English fluently are encouraged to participate.

Exclusion Criteria

Male individuals who have color deficiencies may not be able to participate (for example, unable to distinguish between green and red from each other).


100 DKK gift card will be given to the participant upon finishing the study.

Time Duration

The total time duration for each participant will be approximately 75 minutes.

Who Will Have Access to Your Information?

Your name or identity will not be disclosed in reports or publications produced by the project. You can get, if you wish for access to your own data and results. Anonymized results from the project will be used for publications in scientific journals and presented at conferences.

Data Security

All data gathered by the test and recordings of the session are stored locally and no one would get access to it.

Informed Consent

You can read the informed consent form before starting the test and you are required to agree to the terms to continue.

Contact Information

For practical and technical questions, you can reach Pegah Hafiz at pegh@dtu.dk


Jakob Eyvind Bardram
Head of Sections, Professor
DTU Health Tech
+45 45 25 53 11
16 FEBRUARY 2025